Monthly Archives: May 2023

The Call for Global AI Safety: The Centre for AI Safety’s Vision and the Road Ahead

Artificial Intelligence (AI), the driving force of the 21st-century technological revolution, carries the promise of immense societal benefits and transformative change. However, it also raises crucial concerns that call for collective global vigilance. The Centre for AI Safety, a collective of prominent figures in the AI domain including Sam Altman of OpenAI, Demis Hassabis of… Read More »

Department of Defense Unveils 2023 Cyber Strategy to Safeguard the Nation

Introduction This week, the Department of Defense (DoD) delivered its highly anticipated classified 2023 DoD Cyber Strategy to Congress. This comprehensive strategy outlines the Department’s approach to operating in and through cyberspace, with the aim of safeguarding the American people and advancing the defense priorities of the United States. The strategy builds upon previous initiatives,… Read More »

Volt Typhoon targets US critical infrastructure with living-off-the-land techniques

Microsoft has detected stealthly and targeted malicious attacks that are primarily focused on the access of credentials and exploration of network systems following a successful compromise. These operations target essential infrastructure organisations in the United States and are orchestrated by Volt Typhoon, a China-based state sponsored actor , who engages in information gathering and espionage.… Read More »

Understanding “Living Off the Land” Techniques in Cybersecurity

Cyber threats have become more sophisticated and harder to detect. Among evolving cyber threats, one strategy stands out for its stealth and efficacy: the “Living Off the Land” (LOTL) technique. As the cyber threat landscape continues to evolve, understanding such tactics becomes paramount for businesses and individuals alike. What is Living Off the Land? In… Read More »

Protecting Your Business from Cyber Threats

Introduction: Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important for businesses of every size. With the rise of artificial intelligence, companies are becoming more vulnerable to cyber threats. From data breaches to ransomware attacks, businesses must be prepared to handle any security issue that arises. As an IT professional, Microsoft Professional Partner, lawyer, and financial accountant, I understand… Read More »